Sunday, April 26, 2015

Skeleton Keys

In order to streamline the process of applying and communicating the Allegorical Imperative, I will be applying some heuristic tools. One of those tools will be called Skeleton Keys.

Skeleton keys will be short blog posts wherein, rather than write extended examinations of a subject, I will simply list the comparison points I find relevant to the AI. These lists are meant to convey the AI insights in as concise a manner as possible, while making the metaphors clear.


Skeleton Key: Guardians of the Galaxy

Peter - Ego, Conscious Mind, Mercury, Hermes
Gamora - Anima, Imagination, Venus, Aphrodite
Rocket Racoon - Mammalian brain, fight or flight, Earth (Kindom Animalia)
Groot - Flesh, Earth (Kingdom Plantae)
Drax - Nietzschean Ressentiment, Emotion, Will, Mars God of war
Nova Corp - immune system, white blood cells
Ronan - Cancer
Planet Xandar - the body
Infinity stone - cell division, life
The Collector - memory

and so on.

Skeleton Key: Pop Music Song Structure

Intro - birth to age 5
1st verse - K-12
Chorus - College
2nd verse - Career, starting a family, kids in K-12
Chorus - Kids go away to college, empty nest
Bridge/Solo - Midlife crisis
3rd verse - Kids get married, start careers, approaching retirement
Chorus repeating to fade-out - retirement and death

These will be posted a lot because I'm lazy.

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